Brighten someone's day with the vibrant charm of the Just For You bouquet. This stunning arrangement features 5 velvety red roses symbolizing love, 3 cheerful sunflowers to bring warmth, 3 playful yellow buttons for a pop of color, and 3 delicate solidago for a touch of elegance. Accented with the soft texture of baby’s breath, lush leather leaf, and fresh salal, this bouquet is a perfect blend of romance and sunshine. Ideal for any occasion, it’s a heartfelt way to show you care.
The Heart Cross Easel arrangement is a meaningful display of blue daisies, red roses, and carnations, accented by white daisies and spray roses. This elegant mix of red, white, and blue blooms, framed with lush leatherleaf and salal, is carefully arranged on a cross-shaped foam on an easel. It serves as a beautiful symbol of love, honor, and remembrance.
The Heart Wreath arrangement is a beautifully crafted tribute featuring soft pink roses, red and pink carnations, and a mix of white, purple, and blue daisies. Accented with sprigs of purple monte and lush variegated pittosporum, this vibrant design on a heart-shaped wreath foam, displayed on an easel, creates a heartfelt and colorful expression of love and remembrance.